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Using Docker in Docker


Make sure you have acknowledged the risks of using Docker in Docker before doing this.

In this documentation, we're assuming you have a working GitMate setup. If not, Please refer to Starting your own instance.

This may vary on how you set it up, we are going to provide you with two common setups.

Using docker-compose.yml or docker-stack.yml

If you're already using Compose or Stack, you can do the following:

  • Open the Stack or Compose file on your text editor
  • Create a new service for dind, here's an example
  image: docker:stable-dind
  privileged: true
    # Make sure you choose the one that works with your current setup.
    # Choose anything other than vfs if possible or you'll be wasting a LOT of
    # hard drive space.
    # Here's a list of storage drivers from the official documentations:
    - DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay
  • Remove the "/var/run/docker.sock" mount from the gitmate worker service
  • Add a link to the gitmate worker service, here's an example
  build: .
  command: ./docker/
    - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://dind:2375
    - dind
  • Redeploy your compose/stack setup and you should be good to go.

Using docker service

Sadly, We can't run Docker in Docker with this method at the moment because docker service cannot create privileged containers which are needed by dind.

You can follow the issue for this here.