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GitMate Environment Variables

GitMate requires you to set some environment variables. This page provides a description of these Environment Variables and also contain a guide on how to set them.

To set an environment variable in bash run


To check if an environment variable has been set use


This command will print the current value of the variable.

The best way to set environment variables for this project is to use a script. See our guide

Environment Variables

Variable Description Values Default
DJANGO_DEBUG Run django in debug mode True or False False
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Cryptographic signing for django. For more details seeDjango documentation. Anything complex string you can come up with. Django genereated key
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS List of allowed hosts. Required to disable CORS. Allowed host URLs for development setup
DB_NAME Database name for PostgreSQL. Database name used by gitmate. postgres
DB_USER Database username for PostgreSQL. Username String postgres
DB_PASSWORD Database password for PostgreSQL. Password String An empty string
DB_ADDRESS Database host address for PostgreSQL. String A Auto-configured via socket on /run/postgresql
DB_PORT Database server post for PostgreSQL Number Auto-configured to port 5432
DJANGO_STATIC_ROOT Directory for storing django static files. File path /tmp/static
CELERY_BROKER_URL URI fro celery broker URI path amqp://admin:password@rabbit/
SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL URL to redirect after authentication Valid URLs Frontend Home localhost:4200
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY Client key for the registered Github OAuth Application. This will be used for application authentication on Github. Key provided by Github on registration None
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET Client secret for the registered Github OAuth Application. This is used as application password by Github Secret provided by Github None
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_KEY Client key for the registered Gitlab OAuth Application. This will be used for application authentication on Gitlab. Key provided by Gitlab on registration None
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_SECRET Client secret for the registered Gitlab OAuth Application. This is used as application password by Gitlab. Secret provided by Gitlab. None
SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_REDIRECT_URL URL to redirect after Gitlab authentication. Same as the Callback URL in registered Gitlab OAuth Applicaition. None
WEBHOOK_SECRET A secret key to register git hosting provider webhooks with. Improves security Any string you can come up with None
GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY Private key is used to authorize Github. This will allow usage of Github apps. Path to Github private key Random private key


Provide https://<yourdomain>:<port>/auth/complete/<hoster> as Authorization callback URL.